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High Level 4

Secret Course는 Level 5까지의 정규 과정 레벨을 모두 수료한 후에 수강 신청이 가능한 과정입니다.

High Level Writing은 High Level1부터 순차적으로 수강가능 (선택 불가)
고급 영작 패턴을 사용하면서 영어 문장을 익혀보는 과정

각종 고급 영작 패턴 을 익혀보는 과정입니다.
High Level1부터는 수업 내용이 영작과정 으로만 구성되어 있습니다.

Series Title Progress
E-future calssic 5-3 The Fir Tree too to, so that
E-future calssic 5-4 Hans in luck pas. 수동태
E-future calssic 5-5 The happy prince what
E-future calssic 5-6 Jack and his master what,who
E-future calssic 5-7 Aladdin and the magic lamp what,who
E-future calssic 5-8 The Gift of the Magi what int.
E-future calssic 5-9 The Gift of the Magi it to v
Gilray's flowerpot what
E-future calssic 5-10 Jack the Giant Killer must have pp
E-future calssic 6-1 Hansel and Gretel must have pp
E-future calssic 6-2 The Nightingale and the Rose must have pp
E-future calssic 6-3 Thumbelina must have pp
E-future calssic 6-4 Hercules preposition 전치사
E-future calssic 6-5 Bearskin preposition 전치사
E-future calssic 6-6 The Selfish Giant preposition 전치사
E-future calssic 6-7 The Enchanted Bluff in order to
E-future calssic 6-8 A Kidnapped Santa Claus in order to
E-future calssic 6-9 The Prince And The Dragon tag question 부가의문문
E-future calssic 6-10 The Elephant’s Child tag question 부가의문문
E-future calssic 6-11 A Little Princess will / be going to
E-future calssic 6-12 The Story of Doctor Dolittle will / be going to
E-future calssic 6-13 A Service of Love if
E-future calssic 6-14 The Lady or the Tiger if
E-future calssic 6-15 An Occurrence at Owl Breek Bridge and, but, or, nor, either, neither, both
E-future calssic 6-16 The Apparition of Mrs. Veal and, but, or, nor, either, neither, both
E-future calssic 6-17 The Diamond Necklace and, but, or, nor, either, neither, both
E-future calssic 6-18 God Sees the Truth, but Waits S make
E-future calssic 6-20 All tutus Should Be Pink had better not / be better off not
Hello reader2 Class picture day All, None, Both, Neither
Slower Than A Snail had better not / be better off not
The 100th Day of School had better not / be better off not
The day the sheep showed up All, None, Both, Neither
Two crazy pigs All, None, Both, Neither
Wake me in spring All, None, Both, Neither
We eat dinner in the bathtub All, None, Both, Neither
We just moved All, None, Both, Neither
Henry and Mudge Henry and Mudge and get the cold shivers had better not
Henry And Mudge And Mrs. Hopper’s House pray that
Henry And Mudge And The Great Grandpas all
Henry And Mudge And The Sneaky Crackers be worth ing~
Henry And Mudge And The Starry Night or
Henry And Mudge And The Tall Tree House if / Whether
Henry And Mudge And The Tumbling Trip or
Henry And Mudge And The Wild Goose Chase indirect question 간접의문문
Henry And Mudge And The Wild Wind each, every
Henry And Mudge In Puddle Trouble how many
Henry And Mudge In The Green Time I'd rather
Henry And Mudge Take The Big Test or
Usborne young reading1 Aladdin & His magical lamp a little or some
Animal legends pre. per. pro. 현재 / 완료 / 진행
Cinderella pre. per. pro. 현재 / 완료 / 진행
Jack and the Beanstalk pre. per. pro. 현재 / 완료 / 진행
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs be trying to v
Stories of Haunted Houses exc. What
Stories of Mermaids exc. What / How
Stories of Monsters ref. 재귀대명사
Stories of robots Mix.
Stories of Wizards ref. 재귀대명사
Story of Pirates be trying to v
Story of Witches be trying to v
The adventures of Sinbad the sailor Mix.
The Billy goats gruff Mix.
The Burglar_s breakfast Mix.
The dinosaurs next door Are you interrested in ~ing
The Elves and the shoemaker Mix.
The emperor_s new clothes pre. per. 현재 / 완료
The frog prince so that
The Little Mermaid be trying to v
The Monkey King ad. preposition 형용사 / 전치사
The monster gang Mix.
The nutcracker Are you interrested in ~ing
The princess and the pea Mix.
The sorcerer’s apprentice verb + preposition
The twelve dancing princess Are you interrested in ~ing
The wooden horse make O O.C
Art Classic stories Nandi and the Tigers Mix.
Prince Riquet can't wait to v
Puss in Boots It's worth -ing or N
Saturday Mountain how to V
Snow White and Red Rose pre. per. 현재 / 완료
The Angel pre. per. 현재 / 완료
The Christmas Chimes how to V
The Donkey And The Load of Salt admitted that S V
The Farm Rooster and the Weather Vane It annoys when S V
The Fisherman And The Golden Fish Pray that S V
The Fox and the Crane Mix. pas. past. per. 수동태 / 과거 / 완료
The Giant in a Bottle Mix. pas. past. per. 수동태 / 과거 / 완료
The Giving Tree Pay somebody $ for something / to do something
The Goose that Laid the Golden Egg confessed that S V
The Grain as Big as a Hen’s Egg can't stand -ing

1:1 실시간 문장교정 SYSTEM으로 타사와는 비교할 수 없는 실력향상을 경험하세요.

교육비는 1개월 기준 1:1 화상영어 수업료입니다.
교재 구매 비용은 별도입니다.





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120,000 / 회당 15,000 160,000 / 회당 20,000 200,000 / 회당 25,000
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180,000 / 회당 18,000 240,000 / 회당 20,000 300,000 / 회당 25,000
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240,000 / 회당 15,000 320,000 / 회당 20,000 400,000 / 회당 25,000
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300,000 / 회당 15,000 400,000 / 회당 20,000 500,000 / 회당 25,000