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정규코스 Lv.1 부터는 Hedge Edu의 Writing 커리큘럼을 따라 요일/시간/강사가 고정되어 학생이 선택한 주 n회 코스를 지정된 강사와 수업합니다.

주 2회 화/목 OR 토/일
주 3회 월/수/금
주 4회 화/목/토/일
주 5회 월/화/수/목/금


선택코스는 정규코스에서 다루지 않는 문법, Free Talking 수업 그리고 보충수업으로 구성되어 있습니다.
주 n회를 고정 후 요일을 자유롭게 선택할 수있습니다.
정규코스 외에 필요한 과목을 추가로 구성할 수 있습니다.

해당 시간에 맞는 강사가 배정되면 정규코스과 마찬가지로 배정된 강사와 수업을 진행합니다.

교육 과정

정규코스 과정 중 하나를 선택하세요.

  • Pre Level 1 - Phonics

  • Pre Level 2 - Starter

  • Level 1 - Easy

  • Level 2 - Insight Starter

  • Level 3 - Insight

  • Level 4 - Subject Starter

  • Level 5 - Subject

  • Secret Course

  • 교육 구분을 선택해 주세요.
  • Step1. A~Z 자세히보기
  • Step1. A~Z
    기초 알파벳을 배워봅니다.
    Book 1
    Song for the Alphabet
    Unit 1
    Aa Bb Cc
    Unit 2
    Dd Ee Ff
    review 1
    Unit 3
    Gg Hh Ii
    Unit 4
    Jj Kk Ll
    review 2
    Unit 5
    Mm Nn Oo
    Unit 6
    Pp Qq Rr
    review 3
    Unit 7
    Ss Tt Uu
    Unit 8
    Vv Ww Xx
    Unit 9
    Yy Zz
    review 4
  • Step2. 단모음 자세히보기
  • Step2. 단모음
    단모음의 소리를 배워봅니다.
    Book 2
    Short Vowels
    Unit 1
    Short Vowel a
    Unit 2
    Short Vowel a
    review 1
    Unit 3
    Short Vowel e
    Unit 4
    Short Vowel e
    review 2
    Unit 5
    Short Vowel i
    Unit 6
    Short Vowel o
    review 3
    Unit 7
    Short Vowel u
    Unit 8
    Short Vowel u
    review 4
  • Step3. 장모음 자세히보기
  • Step3. 장모음
    장모음의 소리를 배워봅니다.
    Book 3
    Long Vowels
    Unit 1
    Long Vowel a
    Unit 2
    Long Vowel a
    review 1
    Unit 3
    Long Vowel i
    Unit 4
    Long Vowel i
    review 2
    Unit 5
    Long Vowel o
    Unit 6
    Long Vowel o
    review 3
    Unit 7
    Long Vowel u
    review 4
  • Step4. 이중자음 자세히보기
  • Step4. 이중자음
    이중자음의 소리를 배워봅니다.
    Book 4
    Consonant Blends
    Unit 1
    Unit 2
    review 1
    Unit 3
    Unit 4
    review 2
    Unit 5
    Unit 6
    review 3
    Unit 7
    Unit 8
    review 4
  • Step5. 이중모음 자세히보기
  • Step5. 이중모음
    이중모음의 소리를 배워봅니다.
    Book 5
    Vowel Teams
    Unit 1
    Long Vowel e
    Unit 2
    Long Vowel a
    review 1
    Unit 3
    Long Vowel i
    Unit 4
    Long Vowel o
    review 2
    Unit 5
    Vowel oo
    Unit 6
    review 3
    Unit 7
    Unit 8
    R-Controlled Vowels
    review 4
  • Step1. About Me 자세히보기
  • Step1. About Me
    About Me / Spring / Farm Animals
    주변에 친숙한 사물과 사람에 관련된 단어들을 배워봅니다.
    Chapter 1
    About Me
    Lesson 1
    My Room
    Lesson 2
    My Family
    Lesson 3
    I Can!
    Lesson 4
    I Have Two Eyes
    Review 1
    Chapter 2
    Lesson 5
    Spring Is Here
    Lesson 6
    Wake Up!
    Lesson 7
    Juice for Everyone
    Lesson 8
    Spring Rain
    Review 2
    Chapter 3
    Farm Animals
    Lesson 9
    Noisy Farm
    Lesson 10
    Guess the Animal
    Lesson 11
    Muddy Animals
    Lesson 12
    Baby Farm Animals
    Review 3
  • Step2. Dogs 자세히보기
  • Step2. Dogs
    Dogs / Cars / Feelings
    주변에 친숙한 사물과 사람에 관련된 단어들을 배워봅니다.
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    Max Can!
    Lesson 2
    Coco and Cream
    Lesson 3
    Hungry Joy
    Lesson 4
    Silly Molly
    Review 1
    Chapter 2
    Lesson 5
    Cool Cars
    Lesson 6
    Car Wash
    Lesson 7
    The Fire Truck
    Lesson 8
    In Taxis
    Review 2
    Chapter 3
    Lesson 9
    Many Feelings
    Lesson 10
    The Ghost House
    Lesson 11
    We Are Proud!
    Lesson 12
    New School
    Review 3
  • Step3. Strawberries 자세히보기
  • Step3. Strawberries
    Strawberries / Birthdays / Night
    주변에 친숙한 사물과 사람에 관련된 단어들을 배워봅니다.
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    My Name Is Strawberry
    Lesson 2
    I’m Curious!
    Lesson 3
    Who Comes to Eat My Strawberries?
    Lesson 4
    The Strawberry Picking
    Review 1
    Chapter 2
    Lesson 5
    Birthday Gift
    Lesson 6
    Mia’s Birthday Party
    Lesson 7
    Love You
    Lesson 8
    Costume Party
    Chapter 3
    Review 2
    Lesson 9
    Lesson 10
    The Amazing Moon
    Lesson 11
    Lesson 12
    Night Animals
  • Step1. School & Houses 자세히보기
  • Step1. School & Houses
    1. Writing - 초급 평서문
    2. Listening & Speaking
    : 주변의 익숙한 소재들을 문장으로 말해봅니다.
    The country mouse and the town mouse
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    The hare and the tortoise
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    Belling the cat
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    Sleeping beauty
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    Little red riding hood
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    The elves and the shoemaker
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    The pied piper of Hamelin
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    Gulliver's travels
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    The little mermaid
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    The lion and the mouse
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    Listening & Speaking
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    Ready for School
    Lesson 2
    School Places
    Lesson 3
    Classroom Shapes
    Lesson 4
    A School on the Water
    Chapter 2
    Ice Cream
    Lesson 5
    A Tall Ice Cream Cone
    Lesson 6
    Too Much Ice Cream
    Lesson 7
    It’s Mine!
    Lesson 8
    Let’s Make Ice Cream!
    Chapter 3
    Lesson 9
    Where Is the Smell?
    Lesson 10
    Special Houses
    Lesson 11
    The Three Little Pigs
    Lesson 12
    Animal Houses
  • Step2. Towns & Pets 자세히보기
  • Step2. Towns & Pets
    1. Writing - 초급 평서문 & 부정문
    2. Listening & Speaking
    : 주변의 익숙한 소재들을 문장으로 말해봅니다.
    The ant and the grasshopper
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    The king's new clothes
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    Beauty and the beast
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    Snow white and the seven dwarfs
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    The frog prince
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    Hansel and Gretel
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    The three little pigs
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    The Fisherman and his wife
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    The greedy fox
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    The fox and the crow
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    The dog in the manger
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    Listening & Speaking
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    New to This Town
    Lesson 2
    People in My Town
    Lesson 3
    Gulliver and the Small Town
    Lesson 4
    Chapter 2
    Mr. Smith!
    Lesson 5
    Lesson 6
    Colorful Leaves
    Lesson 7
    Fall Pictures
    Lesson 8
    Apple Picking
    Chapter 3
    Busy Animals
    Lesson 9
    Lesson 10
    Sam’s Pets
    Lesson 11
    Sick Toto
    Lesson 12
    The Pet Show
    I Promise!
  • Step3. Weather & Sports 자세히보기
  • Step3. Weather & Sports
    1. Writing - 초급 평서문 & 부정문
    2. Listening & Speaking
    : 주변의 익숙한 소재들을 문장으로 말해봅니다.
    Little red hen
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    The three spinners
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    Sweet porridge
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    The seven crows
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    The princess on the glass hill
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    Tom thumb
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    The brave tin soldier
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    The flying trunk
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    The shepherd boy
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    The bird of truth
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    The princess and the pea
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    The bear and the two travelers
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    Listening & Speaking
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    The Raindrop’s Travels
    Lesson 2
    New Rain Boots
    Lesson 3
    Animals and Weather
    Lesson 4
    Sun and Wind
    Chapter 2
    Lesson 5
    Lesson 6
    Lesson 7
    Groceries for Dad
    Lesson 8
    A Flower Market
    Chapter 3
    A Flea Market
    Lesson 9
    Lesson 10
    Sports Balls
    Lesson 11
    Pool Rules
    Lesson 12
    Figure Skating
    Running Together
  • Step4. Summer & Senses 자세히보기
  • Step4. Summer & Senses
    1. Writing - 초급 평서문 & 부정문
    2. Listening & Speaking
    : 주변의 익숙한 소재들을 문장으로 말해봅니다.
    Mother holle
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    The garden of paradise
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    The queen bee
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    The spirit in the bottle
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    Jack and the beanstalk
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    Boots and his brothers
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    The flea and the professor
    pre. de. 초급평서문
    Alice in wonderland
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    The three feathers
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    The twelve huntsmen
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    The gold children
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    The six servants
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    Listening & Speaking
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    Santa's Summer
    Lesson 2
    Summer Fruit
    Lesson 3
    Summer at the Zoo
    Lesson 4
    Making a Popsicle
    Chapter 2
    Lesson 5
    A Lazy Cat Day
    Lesson 6
    Cats in Paintings
    Lesson 7
    Why Are You Purring?
    Lesson 8
    Black Cats
    Chapter 3
    Black Cats
    Lesson 9
    Lesson 10
    Amazing Animal Senses
    Lesson 11
    What Do You Feel?
    Lesson 12
    Op Art Magic
    Super Senses
  • Step5. Music & Sweets 자세히보기
  • Step5. Music & Sweets
    1. Writing - 초급 평서문 & 부정문
    2. Listening & Speaking
    : 주변의 익숙한 소재들을 문장으로 말해봅니다.
    The griffin
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    The master and his pupil
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    Brewery of eggshells
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    The green serpent
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    Robinson Crusoe
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    The musicians of Bremen
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    The fire-bird and the princess Vasilissa
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    Around the world in 80 days
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    Bushy bride
    pre. ne. 초급부정문
    A bad bad day
    pre. de. 현재 / 평서문
    We play on a rainy day
    pre. de. 현재 / 평서문
    Listening & Speaking
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    Make a Drum Set
    Lesson 2
    The Animal Band
    Lesson 3
    Musical Glasses
    Lesson 4
    Hermes and Apollo
    Chapter 2
    The sea
    Lesson 5
    Special Sea Animals
    Lesson 6
    Sea Walking
    Lesson 7
    Sea Water Colors
    Lesson 8
    Salt in the Sea
    Chapter 3
    Lesson 9
    Sweet Jobs
    Lesson 10
    More S’mores
    Lesson 11
    Lesson 12
    Healthy Chocolate
    The Sultan and His Wife
  • Step6. Islands & Planes 자세히보기
  • Step6. Islands & Planes
    1. Writing - 현재 & 과거 진행 외
    2. Listening & Speaking
    : 주변의 익숙한 소재들을 문장으로 말해봅니다.
    No way
    pre. de. 현재 / 평서문
    Rrichard scarry's Watch your step
    pre. pro. 현재 / 진행
    Big egg
    pre. pro. 현재 / 진행
    Hog and dog
    pre. pro. 현재 / 진행
    Biscuit goes to school
    past. pro. 과거 / 진행
    How many fish
    past. pro. 과거 / 진행
    Biscuit and the baby
    past. pro. ne. 과거 / 진행 / 부정
    Go away dog
    past. pro. ne. 과거 / 진행 / 부정
    I see you saw
    pre. pro. ne. 현재 / 진행 / 부정
    Mine's the best
    pre. pro. ne. 현재 / 진행 / 부정
    Sid and Sam
    pre. pro. ne. 현재 / 진행 / 부정
    Oh, cats !
    pre. pro. ne. 현재 / 진행 / 부정
    Follow me mittens !
    Mix. pre. past. pro. ne. 현·과 / 진행 / 부정
    Listening & Speaking
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    Only in Madagascar!
    Lesson 2
    Our Trip to Jeju Island
    Lesson 3
    All About Greenland
    Lesson 4
    Chapter 2
    the Lost City
    Lesson 5
    Lesson 6
    Dancing for Love
    Lesson 7
    Degas and His Ballerinas
    Lesson 8
    Dances Around the World
    Chapter 3
    Coyote Dances with a Star
    Lesson 9
    Lesson 10
    How Plane Wings Work
    Lesson 11
    My Ears Hurt!
    Lesson 12
    Da Vinci’s Flying M
  • Step1. Where Do Wild Animals Live? 자세히보기
  • Step1. Where Do Wild Animals Live?
    1. Writing - 평서문 & 조동사 의문문 외
    2. Listening & Speaking
    : 더 넓은 범위의 소재를 찾아보고 긴 문장으로 말해봅니다.
    Here comes the snow
    int. past. 의문문 / 과거
    At the carnival
    WH. int. past 의문사 / 의문문 / 과거
    Bubble trouble
    WH. int. past 의문사 / 의문문 / 과거
    That's not santa
    int. past. ne. 의문문 / 과거 / 부정
    Pizza party !
    pre. pro. 현재 / 진행
    Don't cut my hair
    pre. ne. 현재 / 부정
    I am water
    pre. de. 현재 / 평서문
    I hate my bow
    pre. de. 현재 / 평서문
    I love colors
    pre. pro. 현재 / 진행
    I shop with my daddy
    WH. au. int. 의문사 / 조동사 / 의문문
    My dog talks
    int. pre. 의문문 / 현재
    Our tea party
    pre. ne. 현재 / 부정
    The ball game
    pre. pro. 현재 / 진행
    Andy's new toy
    Mix. au. de. ne. 조동사 / 평서문 / 부정
    As you wish
    int. past. 의문문 / 과거
    Big bear little bear
    int. pre. 의문문 / 현재
    Listening & Speaking
    Chapter 1
    Wild Animals
    Lesson 1
    Where Do Wild Animals Live?
    Lesson 2
    Swan Lake
    Lesson 3
    Food Wild Animals Eat
    Lesson 4
    Say Cheese!
    Chapter 2
    Lesson 5
    How Oranges Grow
    Lesson 6
    Valencia and Navel Oranges
    Lesson 7
    How Oranges Saved the Royal Navy
    Lesson 8
    Tangerine Peel Art
    Chapter 3
    Lesson 9
    How Birds Fly in the Sky
    Lesson 10
    The Full Moon’s Special Names
    Lesson 11
    Why the
  • Step2. Daily Water Use 자세히보기
  • Step2. Daily Water Use
    1. Writing - 조동사 평서문 & 의문문 과거 진행 외
    2. Listening & Speaking
    : 더 넓은 범위의 소재를 찾아보고 긴 문장으로 말해봅니다.
    Big friend little friend
    au. de. 조동사 / 평서문
    Bug stew
    int. pre. 의문문 / 현재
    Fast kart slow kart
    au. int. pre. 조동사 / 의문문 / 현재
    Bear hugs
    int. pre. pro. 의문문 / 현재 / 진행
    Cat traps
    int. pre. pro. 의문문 / 현재 / 진행
    City cats country cats
    int. past. pro. 의문문 / 과거 / 진행
    Dancing dinos
    WH. int. pre. pro. 의문사 / 의문문 / 현재 / 진행
    Dancing dions go to school
    au. de. 조동사 / 평서문
    Dragon egg
    int. past. pro. ne. 의문문 / 과거 / 진행 / 부정
    Ducks go vroom
    WH. int. pre. 의문사 / 의문문 / 현재
    Happy alphabet
    int. past. pro. ne. 의문문 / 과거 / 진행 / 부정
    Anansi and the bag of wisdom
    past. ne. 과거 / 부정
    Ant and the grasshopper
    au. de. 조동사 / 평서문
    Greedy dog
    pre. ne. 현재 / 부정
    King Midas and the gold
    pre. ne. 현재 / 부정
    Lion and the mouse
    pre. ne. 현재 / 부정
    Listening & Speaking
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    Daily Water Use
    Lesson 2
    An Orchestra on Boats
    Lesson 3
    Sea Animals in the Aquarium
    Lesson 4
    Fruit Is Full of Water
    Chapter 2
    Lesson 5
    What Is Your Favorite Subject?
    Lesson 6
    Schultüte: The German School Cone
    Lesson 7
    Hong Kong School Chalk Art
    Lesson 8
    Earthquake Safety at School
    Chapter 3
    Lesson 9
    Make a Family Timeline
    Lesson 10
    The String Family
    Lesson 11
    Meerkats Work Together
    Lesson 12
    Loud Neighbors
    Chapter 4
    Lesson 13
    We Are All Bears!
    Lesson 14
    The Chewy History of Gummy Bears
    Lesson 15
    The PyeongChang Paralympic Mascot
    Lesson 16
    Panda Nannies
  • Step3. The Nile River 자세히보기
  • Step3. The Nile River
    1. Writing - 의문사 의문문 현재 & 과거 외
    2. Listening & Speaking
    : 더 넓은 범위의 소재를 찾아보고 긴 문장으로 말해봅니다.
    The fox and the crow
    au. int. pre. 조동사 / 의문문 / 현재
    The fox and the stork
    past. de. 과거 / 평서문
    The sun and the wind
    au. ne. 조동사 / 부정문
    I am a star
    WH. int. past 의문사 / 의문문 / 과거
    I am lost
    int. pre. ne. 의문문 / 현재 / 부정
    I am not a dinosaur
    Mix 혼합
    I'm a caterpillar
    WH. int. past 의문사 / 의문문 / 과거
    I'm a fire fighter
    past. de. 과거 / 평서문
    Monster math
    past. de. 과거 / 평서문
    Monster money
    au. int. pre. ne. 조동사 / 의문문 / 현재 / 부정
    My messy room
    WH. au. int. 의문사 / 조동사 / 의문문
    One snowy day
    int. past. pro. 의문문 / 과거 / 진행
    Recess mess
    int. past. pro. 의문문 / 과거 / 진행
    Sharing Time Troubles
    int. pre. pro. ne. 의문문 / 현재 / 진행 / 부정
    Soccer game
    WH. int. 의문사 / 의문문
    The gym day winner
    int. pre. pro. ne. 의문문 / 현재 / 진행 / 부정
    Listening & Speaking
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    The Nile River
    Lesson 2
    Strauss’s “The Blue Danube” Waltz
    Lesson 3
    The Heron: The River Bird
    Lesson 4
    Captain Sullenberger’s Hudson Landing
    Chapter 2
    Lesson 5
    Greek Feet: An Ideal of Beauty
    Lesson 6
    Amazing Animal Feet
    Lesson 7
    Types of Soccer Kicks
    Lesson 8
    The Origin of Christmas Stockings
    Chapter 3
    San Francisco
    Lesson 9
    All About San Francisco
    Lesson 10
    Hearts in San Francisco
    Lesson 11
    The Golden Gate Bridge
    Lesson 12
    Sea Lions at Pier
    Chapter 4
    Lesson 13
    Vegetables That Look Like Body Parts
    Lesson 14
    What Is a Vegetarian?
    Lesson 15
    The Color of Snail Poop
    Lesson 16
    Who Invented Potato Chips?
  • Step1. Parts of a Tree 자세히보기
  • Step1. Parts of a Tree
    1. Writing - 의문사 의문문 현재 외
    2. Listening & Speaking
    : 소재별 배경 정보와 흥미로운 구절을 통해 영어 학습을 깊이 있게 심화합니다.
    The lunch box surprise
    WH. int. pre. 의문사 / 의문문 / 현재
    The pet that I want
    WH. au. int. 의문사 / 조동사 / 의문문
    What is that said the cat
    au. int. 조동사 / 의문문
    What the Dinosaurs Saw
    int. pre. 의문문 / 현재
    Who am I
    past. pro. 과거 / 진행
    Willie's wonderful pet
    WH. au. int. 의문사 / 조동사 / 의문문
    We are monsters!
    WH. au. int. 의문사 / 조동사 / 의문문
    Buzz said the bee
    ref. 재귀대명사
    Magic matt and the Jack-o-lantern
    ref. 재귀대명사
    A cars christmas
    int. past. 의문문 / 과거
    Don't be a chicken
    int. pre. ne. 의문문 / 현재 / 부정
    Frozen big snowman little snowman
    int. pre. 의문문 / 현재
    Kingdom of color
    pre. ne. 현재 / 부정
    Race around the world
    au. int. pre. 조동사 / 의문문 / 현재
    Toy to toy
    Mix. au. 조동사
    Bathtime for biscuit
    WH. int. pre. 의문사 / 의문문 / 현재
    Listening & Speaking
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    Parts of a Tree
    Lesson 2
    Stuttgart: A Tree-Friendly City
    Lesson 3
    Tree Animals
    Lesson 4
    The Story of Almond Trees
    Chapter 2
    Special Days
    Lesson 5
    A Fun Book Holiday
    Lesson 6
    Watch the Groundhog
    Lesson 7
    April Fools’ with the BBC
    Lesson 8
    Marc Chagall’s Birthday Painting
    Chapter 3
    Lesson 9
    The Four Seasons in Forests
    Lesson 10
    In-Season Foods Are the Best!
    Lesson 11
    Summer and Winter Solstices
    Lesson 12
    The Four Musical Seasons
    Chapter 4
    Lesson 13
    Patterns of Light
    Lesson 14
    Mirror Writing
    Lesson 15
    The Hall of Mirrors
    Lesson 16
    The Secret of The Arnolfini Portrait
  • Step2. Color Me Healthy 자세히보기
  • Step2. Color Me Healthy
    1. Writing - 과거진행부정 외
    2. Listening & Speaking
    : 소재별 배경 정보와 흥미로운 구절을 통해 영어 학습을 깊이 있게 심화합니다.
    past. pro. ne. 과거 / 진행 / 부정
    Biscuit and the little pup
    pre. ne. 현재 / 부정
    Biscuit finds a friend
    int. past. pro. ne. 의문문 / 과거 / 진행 / 부정
    Biscuit wants to play
    past. de. 과거 / 평서문
    Biscuit's big friend
    past. de. 과거 / 평서문
    Biscuit's day at the farm
    WH. int. past 의문사 / 의문문 / 과거
    Biscuit's new trick
    pre. ne. 현재 / 부정
    Chicken said cluck
    pre. ne. 현재 / 부정
    Day I had to play with my sister
    pre. pro. ne. 현재 / 진행 / 부정
    Loose tooth
    pre. pro. 현재 / 진행
    Mia and the too big tutu
    pre. pro. 현재 / 진행
    past. pro. ne. 과거 / 진행 / 부정
    Peanut and Pearl's picnic adventure
    past. pro. 과거 / 진행
    Pedro's Burro
    pre. pro. 현재 / 진행
    Pete the cat play ball
    au. int. pre. 조동사 / 의문문 / 현재
    Pete's big lunch
    pre. ne. 현재 / 부정
    Listening & Speaking
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    Color Me Healthy
    Lesson 2
    How to Make Fruit Sweeter
    Lesson 3
    Cézanne’s Apples
    Lesson 4
    A Strawberry and a Spy
    Chapter 2
    Lesson 5
    Supermarket vs. Store Prices
    Lesson 6
    The Grand Bazaar
    Lesson 7
    Music and Shopping
    Lesson 8
    Everyday Market Items in Art
    Chapter 3
    Lesson 9
    ow Snow Works
    Lesson 10
    Walk like a Penguin
    Lesson 11
    Watermelon Snow
    Lesson 12
    Debussy’s Dancing Snow
    Chapter 4
    Lesson 13
    Old and New Jobs
    Lesson 14
    Thomas Edison’s Job Interview
    Lesson 15
    Who Is Mentor?
    Lesson 16
    Henri Rousseau’s Dream
  • Step3. Tools for Exploration 자세히보기
  • Step3. Tools for Exploration
    1. Writing - 의문문 과거진행부정 외
    2. Listening & Speaking
    : 소재별 배경 정보와 흥미로운 구절을 통해 영어 학습을 깊이 있게 심화합니다.
    Splish, splash!
    int. past. pro. ne. 의문문 / 과거 / 진행 / 부정
    Thump and Plunk
    past. pro. 과거 / 진행
    What's that, Mittens
    au. int. pre. 조동사 / 의문문 / 현재
    Whose hat is it
    past. pro. 과거 / 진행
    I like bugs
    WH. int. past. ne. 의문사 / 의문문 / 과거 / 부정
    I like stars
    int. past. ne. 의문문 / 과거 / 부정
    Jack and jill and big dog bill
    int. pre. pro. 의문문 / 현재 / 진행
    Mouse makes word
    int. past. ne. 의문문 / 과거 / 부정
    Panda kisses
    WH. int. pre. 의문사 / 의문문 / 현재
    Sleep dog
    int. pre. pro. ne. 의문문 / 현재 / 진행 / 부정
    Tae kwon do
    int. pre. pro. 의문문 / 현재 / 진행
    The pup speaks up
    WH. int. pre. pro. 의문사 / 의문문 / 현재 / 진행
    The snowball
    int. pre. 의문문 / 현재
    The heart of a monkey
    WH. int. pre. 의문사 / 의문문 / 현재
    The wolf and the seven children
    WH. int. pre. 의문사 / 의문문 / 현재
    The wise little girl
    WH. int. pre. ne. 의문사 / 의문문 / 현재 / 부정
    Listening & Speaking
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    Tools for Exploration
    Lesson 2
    8,000 Kilometers for a Friend
    Lesson 3
    Flying Away from Jet Lag
    Lesson 4
    Venetian Gondola Song
    Chapter 2
    Lesson 5
    Paper Shelter
    Lesson 6
    Origami in Space
    Lesson 7
    Ebru: Marbling Paper
    Lesson 8
    Drawing with Scissors
    Chapter 3
    Lesson 9
    How Smell Works
    Lesson 10
    Dogs: Sniffing Out Cancer
    Lesson 11
    The Maillard Reaction
    Lesson 12
    Proustian Memories
    Chapter 4
    Lesson 13
    Melting Chocolate in a Double Boiler
    Lesson 14
    A Warmer for Small Babies
    Lesson 15
    Male Sea Turtles Are Disappearing!
    Lesson 16
    A Human-Heated Building
  • Step4. Where Does Rain Come From? 자세히보기
  • Step4. Where Does Rain Come From?
    1. Writing - 의문사 의문문 현재부정 외
    2. Listening & Speaking
    : 소재별 배경 정보와 흥미로운 구절을 통해 영어 학습을 깊이 있게 심화합니다.
    The mice and the cat
    WH. int. pre. ne. 의문사 / 의문문 / 현재 / 부정
    The little red hen
    WH. int. pre. ne. 의문사 / 의문문 / 현재 / 부정
    The sleeping spell
    WH. int. pre. ne. 의문사 / 의문문 / 현재 / 부정
    The white snake
    WH. int. past. pro. ne. 의문사 / 의문문 / 과거 / 진행 / 부정
    The man and the lion
    WH. int. past. pro. ne. 의문사 / 의문문 / 과거 / 진행 / 부정
    The son who doesn't listen
    WH. int. past. pro. ne. 의문사 / 의문문 / 과거 / 진행 / 부정
    How the tiger gets his stripes
    WH. int. past. pro. ne. 의문사 / 의문문 / 과거 / 진행 / 부정
    The tortoise and the rabbit
    MIX exercise
    The frog prince
    HM. int. pre. 얼마나 / 의문문 / 현재
    The rabbits and the frogs
    HM. int. past. 얼마나 / 의문문 / 과거
    The firebird
    Mix. HM. int. pre. past. 얼마나 / 의문문 / 현·과
    The old beggar woman
    Mix. HM. int. pre. past. 얼마나 / 의문문 / 현·과
    In the castle
    past. de. 과거 / 평서문
    Rabbit's tale
    int. pre. pro. 의문문 / 현재 / 진행
    The wish fish
    int. past. 의문문 / 과거
    Three wishes
    au. ne. 조동사 / 부정
    Listening & Speaking
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    Where Does Rain Come From?
    Lesson 2
    Rainmaking Ceremonies
    Lesson 3
    Chopin’s Musical Raindrops
    Lesson 4
    The History of the Raincoat
    Chapter 2
    Lesson 5
    Lesson 6
    Reading by Touching
    Lesson 7
    The Dot Paintings of Aborigines
    Lesson 8
    A Test for Your Eyes
    Chapter 3
    Lesson 9
    The Ancient Greek Olympics
    Lesson 10
    Animals Compete to Attract Mates
    Lesson 11
    Matisse and Picasso: Rivals and Friends
    Lesson 12
    Arachne and Athena’s Weaving Contest
    Chapter 4
    Lesson 13
    Air in Motion
    Lesson 14
    Amazing Air Shows
    Lesson 15
    Life-Saving Airbags
    Lesson 16
    The Growing Danger of Air Pollution
  • Step5. Bones and Muscles 자세히보기
  • Step5. Bones and Muscles
    1. Writing - 조동사 평서문 외
    2. Listening & Speaking
    : 소재별 배경 정보와 흥미로운 구절을 통해 영어 학습을 깊이 있게 심화합니다.
    Baobob tree
    au. de. 조동사 / 평서문
    past. ne. 과거 / 부정문
    Brer rabbit and the blackberry bush
    WH. int. past. pro. 의문사 / 의문문 / 과거 / 진행
    Brer rabbit down the well
    MIX exercise
    Clever rabbit and the lion
    past. de. 과거 / 평서문
    Clever rabbit and the wolves
    past. de. 과거 / 평서문
    Genie in the bottle
    int. pre. pro. 의문문 / 현재 / 진행
    How bear lost his tail
    MIX exercise
    How elephants lost their wings
    MIX exercise
    King donkey ears
    au. de. 조동사 / 평서문
    Little miss muffet
    au. ne. 조동사 / 부정
    Magic melon
    WH. int. pre. 의문사 / 의문문 / 현재
    Old macdonald had a farm
    WH. int. past. pro. 의문사 / 의문문 / 과거 / 진행
    Old mother hubbard
    int. pre. 의문문 / 현재
    One, two, buckly my shoe
    WH. int. past. pro. 의문사 / 의문문 / 과거 / 진행
    WH. int. pre. 의문사 / 의문문 / 현재
    Listening & Speaking
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    Bones and Muscles
    Lesson 2
    The Body, Energy, and Calories
    Lesson 3
    The Human Body in Art
    Lesson 4
    Chapter 2
    Lesson 5
    Motion in Films
    Lesson 6
    Special Effects in Movies
    Lesson 7
    Inventing the Movie Theater
    Lesson 8
    Sound Creators in Films
    Chapter 3
    Lesson 9
    All about Triangles
    Lesson 10
    Triangular Composition
    Lesson 11
    Lesson 12
    Thales and His Triangles
    Chapter 4
    The Moon
    Lesson 13
    Earth’s Closest Neighbor
    Lesson 14
    Beethoven’s “Moonlight” Sonata
    Lesson 15
    Lunar Eclipses
    Lesson 16
    The Moon and Sixpence
  • Step6. What Do Plants Eat? 자세히보기
  • Step6. What Do Plants Eat?
    1. Writing - When 부사절 외
    2. Listening & Speaking
    : 소재별 배경 정보와 흥미로운 구절을 통해 영어 학습을 깊이 있게 심화합니다.
    Stone soup
    adv-c. when 부사절
    Stone cutter
    au. int. 조동사 / 의문문
    There was a crooked man
    past. de. 과거 / 평서문
    Tortoise and the eagle
    au. int. 조동사 / 의문문
    imp. 명령문
    The Rat Catcher
    imp. 명령문
    The Four Dragons
    req. 청유문
    Why the Sea Has Salt
    req. 청유문
    Big friend little friend
    imp. ne. 명령문 / 부정
    Bug stew
    imp. ne. 명령문 / 부정
    Fast kart slow kart
    req. ne. 청유문 / 부정
    Bear hugs
    req. ne. 청유문 / 부정
    Cat traps
    au. de. 조동사 / 평서문
    City cats country cats
    int. past. pro. 의문문 / 과거 / 진행
    Dancing dinos
    int. past. ne. 의문문 / 과거 / 부정
    Dancing dions go to school
    au. ne. 조동사 / 부정
    Listening & Speaking
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    What Do Plants Eat?
    Lesson 2
    George Washington Carver
    Lesson 3
    Leading the Fight against Food Waste
    Lesson 4
    The Case of Borneo
    Chapter 2
    Lesson 5
    Why Does Wind Blow?
    Lesson 6
    Wind Farms Going Offshore
    Lesson 7
    Mobiles: Art in Motion
    Lesson 8
    The Origin of the Winds
    Chapter 3
    Lesson 9
    The History of Numerals
    Lesson 10
    The Curse of the Ninth
    Lesson 11
    Player Numbers in Sports
    Lesson 12
    A Day to Celebrate Pi
    Chapter 4
    The Solar System
    Lesson 13
    Our Solar System and Its Planets
    Lesson 14
    The Tradition of Naming Planets
    Lesson 15
    The Voyager Golden Records
    Lesson 16
    Space Laws
  • Step1. Everything Grows in Spring! 자세히보기
  • Step1. Everything Grows in Spring!
    1. Writing - 조동사 부정 외
    2. Listening & Speaking
    : Science & Health & Art & History 등의 다양화된 소재를 통해 문장 심화 학습을 시작합니다.
    My tooth is about to fall out
    au. ne. 조동사 / 부정
    Alice in wonderland
    past. ne. 과거 / 부정
    Piglet feels small
    WH. int. past 의문사 / 의문문 / 과거
    Just like me
    int. pre. ne. 의문문 / 현재 / 부정
    Teddy bear for sale
    int. pre. ne. 의문문 / 현재 / 부정
    We love the dirt
    pre. ne. 현재 / 부정
    Monkey see, monkey do
    int. pre. ne. 의문문 / 현재 / 부정
    I lost my tooth
    int. past. 의문문 / 과거
    Itchy itchy chicken pox
    int. past. pro. 의문문 / 과거 / 진행
    The classroom pet
    int. past. pro. 의문문 / 과거 / 진행
    A Dollar of Penny
    int. pre. 의문문 / 현재
    A monster is coming
    Mix. pre. past. ne. 현재 / 과거 / 부정
    Bear's big ideas
    WH. int. 의문사 / 의문문
    Cat on the mat
    Mix. pre. past. ne. 현재 / 과거 / 부정
    Five silly Fishermen
    int. pre. 의문문 / 현재
    My loose tooth
    Mix. pre. past. ne. 현재 / 과거 / 부정
    Listening & Speaking
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    Everything Grows in Spring!
    Lesson 2
    A Song for Spring
    Lesson 3
    India’s Colorful Spring Festival
    Lesson 4
    The Spring Wind Returns
    Chapter 2
    Lesson 5
    Fanny and Felix Mendelssohn
    Lesson 6
    Amazing Animal Families
    Lesson 7
    Echo the Mother Elephant
    Lesson 8
    Bobbie the Wonder Dog
    Chapter 3
    Lesson 9
    The Holes of the Human Body
    Lesson 10
    Prairie Dog Holes
    Lesson 11
    A Famous Hole in France
    Lesson 12
    Let’s Play Mancala!
    Chapter 4
    Lesson 13
    The Life Cycle of a Butterfly
    Lesson 14
    Butterflies and Moths
    Lesson 15
    The Butterfly People
    Lesson 16
    The Hopi Butterfly Dance
  • Step2. Why You Need to Sleep 자세히보기
  • Step2. Why You Need to Sleep
    1. Writing - 의문문 현재 외
    2. Listening & Speaking
    : Science & Health & Art & History 등의 다양화된 소재를 통해 문장 심화 학습을 시작합니다.
    One Hundred Shoes a Math Reader
    int. pre. 의문문 / 현재
    Silly Sara
    WH. int. 의문사 / 의문문
    The teeny tiny woman
    Mix. pre. past. ne. 현재 / 과거 / 부정
    Tiger is a scaredy cat
    Mix. pre. past. ne. 현재 / 과거 / 부정
    Dinosaur babies
    Mix. 시제변형
    Mice are nice
    Mix. 시제변형
    Monster parade
    adv-c. when 부사절
    Ready set, Raymond
    adv-c. when 부사절
    Sir small and the dragonfly
    adv-c. when 부사절
    Unicorn wings
    adv-c. when 부사절
    Wake up sun
    adv-c. when 부사절
    adv-c. imp. when 부사절 / 명령문
    The language of the birds
    int. pre. ne. 의문문 / 현재 / 부정
    The sword in the stone
    WH. int. 의문사 / 의문문
    Under the ground
    WH. int. past. pro. 의문사 / 의문문 / 과거 / 진행
    On the farm
    WH. int. past. pro. 의문사 / 의문문 / 과거 / 진행
    Listening & Speaking
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    Why You Need to Sleep
    Lesson 2
    Interesting Animal Sleeping Habits
    Lesson 3
    Siesta Time!
    Lesson 4
    Dreaming with the Sandman
    Chapter 2
    Lesson 5
    Community Helpers
    Lesson 6
    African Animal Communities
    Lesson 7
    The History of Transportation
    Lesson 8
    The Backpack Program
    Chapter 3
    Lesson 9
    Bird Beaks
    Lesson 10
    Saving the Kakapos
    Lesson 11
    Birds in The Carnival of the Animals
    Lesson 12
    The Greedy Old Woman
    Chapter 4
    Lesson 13
    Why Bread Rises
    Lesson 14
    Bread Around the World
    Lesson 15
    A Baker’s Dozen
    Lesson 16
    Fun Ways to Use Bread!
  • Step3. How Do Animals Survive in Winter? 자세히보기
  • Step3. How Do Animals Survive in Winter?
    1. Writing - I think that S V 외
    2. Listening & Speaking
    : Science & Health & Art & History 등의 다양화된 소재를 통해 문장 심화 학습을 시작합니다.
    On the moon
    past. de. 과거 / 평서문
    1-1 Arriving at camp
    I think that s v
    1-2 Unhappy camper
    I think that s v
    1-3 Bella's big fear
    Do you think that s v ?
    1-4 Jack the paddle ace
    I think that s v
    1-5 Bella the sore loser
    Do you think that s v ?
    1-6 Summer's end
    WH do you think that s v ?
    Sunshine, moonshine
    pre. ne. 현재 / 부정
    Sunshine, moonshine
    pre. ne. 현재 / 부정
    The snowman
    past. ne. 과거 / 부정
    Too many cats
    int. past. pro. ne. 의문문 / 과거 / 진행 / 부정
    Too many dogs
    com. 비교급
    Froggy eats out
    Mix. HM. int. pre. past. 얼마나 / 의문문 / 현·과
    Froggy gets dressed
    pre. pro. 현재 / 진행
    Froggy goes to bed
    WH. int. pre. 의문사 / 의문문 / 현재
    Froggy goes to the doctor
    Mix. HM. int. pre. past. 얼마나 / 의문문 / 현·과
    Listening & Speaking
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    How Do Animals Survive in Winter?
    Lesson 2
    The Snowflake Man
    Lesson 3
    Sled Hockey
    Lesson 4
    The Story of Orion
    Chapter 2
    Lesson 5
    Unique Homes in Hot Places
    Lesson 6
    A Huge Home for a Little Bird
    Lesson 7
    Housewarming Gifts in the Past
    Lesson 8
    Van Gogh’s Bedroom Art
    Chapter 3
    Lesson 9
    Learning from Fossils
    Lesson 10
    The World’s Greatest Fossil Hunter
    Lesson 11
    Tyrannosaurus Rex and
    Lesson 12
    Spending Time with Dinosaurs!
    Chapter 4
    Lesson 13
    All About Hot Deserts
    Lesson 14
    The Sahara and Gobi Deserts
    Lesson 15
    The Sonoran Desert’s Special Cactuses
    Lesson 16
    A Forest in the Desert
  • Step1. Parts of Plants 자세히보기
  • Step1. Parts of Plants
    1. Writing - 수동태 외
    2. Listening & Speaking
    : 전문적인 주제와 소재에 대해 배우면서 토론하는 과정을 통해 영어의 말하기 실력을 고급으로 향상시킵니다.
    Froggy learns to swim
    WH. int. pre. 의문사 / 의문문 / 현재
    Froggy's baby sister
    Wh. int. past. pro. 의문사 / 의문문 / 과거 / 진행
    Let's go Froggy
    past. de. 과거 / 평서문
    2-1 Jack Pan
    pas. de. 수동태 / 평서문
    2-2 Bella in wonderland
    pas. int. 수동태 / 의문문
    2-3 Jack's 80 days
    pas. int. 수동태 / 의문문
    2-4 Bella and the wonderful wizard
    pas. de. 수동태 / 평서문
    2-5 Jack's time machine
    MIX. pas. 수동태 혼합
    2-6 Jack and Robin hood
    MIX. pas. 수동태 혼합
    Arthur and the big snow
    au. int. pre. 조동사 / 의문문 / 현재
    Arthur helps out
    be dying to v
    Arthur jumps into fall
    past. 과거
    Arthur tells a story
    Mix. 혼합
    Artthur's birthday surprise
    int. pre. pro. 의문문 / 현재 / 진행
    Arthur's heart mix-up
    WH. int. pre. 의문사 / 의문문 / 현재
    Arthur's homework
    int. pre. pro. 의문문 / 현재 / 진행
    Listening & Speaking
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    Parts of Plants
    Lesson 2
    National Flowers
    Lesson 3
    Robert Schumann’s Musical Bouquet
    Lesson 4
    The Crazy Cost of Tulips
    Chapter 2
    Lesson 5
    How to Read a Map
    Lesson 6
    Descartes and the Fly
    Lesson 7
    Using Nature’s Compass
    Lesson 8
    Following Quilts to Freedom
    Chapter 3
    Lesson 9
    A Balanced Diet for a Healthy Body
    Lesson 10
    Jamie Oliver’s School Food Revolution
    Lesson 11
    Painting Faces Made of Food
    Lesson 12
    The Origins of Fruit Names
    Chapter 4
    Lesson 13
    Why Do We Have Summer?
    Lesson 14
    A Midsummer Night’s Dream
    Lesson 15
    The Strange Sweat of Hippos
    Lesson 16
    The Invention of the Ice Cream Cone
  • Step2. The Work of Honeybees 자세히보기
  • Step2. The Work of Honeybees
    1. Writing - be good at 외
    2. Listening & Speaking
    : 전문적인 주제와 소재에 대해 배우면서 토론하는 과정을 통해 영어의 말하기 실력을 고급으로 향상시킵니다.
    Arthur's jelly beans
    be good at
    Artthur's mystery babysitter
    be good at
    Arthur's off to school
    past. de. 과거 / 평서문
    Arthur's tree house
    be good at
    D.W. the big boss
    be dying to v
    D.W. perfect present
    past. ne. 과거 / 부정
    Good night D.W.
    au. int. pre. 조동사 / 의문문 / 현재
    Little mermaid
    WH. int. pre. ne. 의문사 / 의문문 / 현재 / 부정
    Rescue the puppies!
    int. pre. 의문문 / 현재
    Snow white and the seven dwarfs
    int. pre. 문문 / 현재
    Go, Stitch go
    too to v
    Super spies
    I'm sure S can
    Teachers' pets
    The sweetest spring
    I'm sure S can
    Say please, Says squeeze
    too to v
    Carmine's big race
    I'm sure S can
    Listening & Speaking
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    The Work of Honeybees
    Lesson 2
    Hexagonal Honeycomb Cells
    Lesson 3
    The Sweet Uses of Honey
    Lesson 4
    The Disappearance of Bees
    Chapter 2
    Lesson 5
    Urban Cities and Suburban Neighborhoods
    Lesson 6
    Chopin’s Heart Rests in Warsaw
    Lesson 7
    Lesson 8
    Animals Adapting to City Life
    Chapter 3
    The Sea
    Lesson 9
    The Pacific Ocean
    Lesson 10
    Surviving under the Sea
    Lesson 11
    Jacques Piccard
    Lesson 12
    Making Music with the Sea
    Chapter 4
    The Sun
    Lesson 13
    The Sun: The Most Important Star
    Lesson 14
    The Ten Chinese Suns
    Lesson 15
    Olives Are Gifts from the Sun
    Lesson 16
    White Nights in St. Petersburg
  • Step3. Twice as Good! 자세히보기
  • Step3. Twice as Good!
    1. Writing - Who 명사절 외
    2. Listening & Speaking
    : 전문적인 주제와 소재에 대해 배우면서 토론하는 과정을 통해 영어의 말하기 실력을 고급으로 향상시킵니다.
    A hero of a horse
    WH. int. 의문사 / 의문문
    Adventure in Never land
    MIX exercise
    Bear with me
    pre. de. 현재 / 평서문
    Game on
    MIX exercise
    Little chef
    past. de. 과거 / 평서문
    Loparts learn to share
    int. pre. 의문문 / 현재
    Outside my window
    pre. de. 현재 / 평서문
    Pinocchio's nose grows
    Mix. WH. int. pre. past. 의문사 / 의문문 / 현·과
    Swan lake
    N-C. who 명사절
    The donkey
    N-C. who 명사절
    The origin of fire
    N-C. who 명사절
    How many feet howmany tails
    int. pre. pro. ne. 의문문 / 현재 / 진행 / 부정
    Best friends wear pink tutus
    int. pre. pro. ne. 의문문 / 현재 / 진행 / 부정
    More spaghetti, I say
    int. pre. pro. ne. 의문문 / 현재 / 진행 / 부정
    Buzz boy and fly guy
    au. de. 조동사 / 평서문
    Fly guy and the frankenfly
    au. de. 조동사 / 평서문
    Listening & Speaking
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    Twice as Good!
    Lesson 2
    How Animals See Things
    Lesson 3
    Morris Frank and His Seeing Eye Dog, Buddy
    Lesson 4
    A Workout for Your Eyes
    Chapter 2
    Lesson 5
    When Water Freezes, It Grows!
    Lesson 6
    Our Amazing Alaska Vacation!
    Lesson 7
    The Best Fathers in Antarctica
    Lesson 8
    An Exciting Icy Race
    Chapter 3
    Lesson 9
    Mammals and Mothers’ Milk
    Lesson 10
    How Does Milk Get to Us?
    Lesson 11
    Making Delicious Cottage Cheese at Home
    Lesson 12
    The Missing Children Milk Carton Program
    Chapter 4
    Lesson 13
    Where Did Our Calendar Come from?
    Lesson 14
    Telling Time before Watches
    Lesson 15
    Jean de Mairan’s Amazing Discovery
    Lesson 16
    The Mysterious Paintings of Salvador Dali
  • Step4. How We See Color 자세히보기
  • Step4. How We See Color
    1. Writing - so that S V 외
    2. Listening & Speaking
    : 전문적인 주제와 소재에 대해 배우면서 토론하는 과정을 통해 영어의 말하기 실력을 고급으로 향상시킵니다.
    Fly guy meets fly girl
    past. ne. 과거 / 부정
    Hi! Fly guy
    past. ne. 과거 / 부정
    I spy fly guy
    be good at~
    Prince fly guy
    be good at~
    Shoo! Fly guy
    Super fly guy
    Goldilocks and the three bears
    so that s v
    The country mouse and city mouse
    so that s v
    The great big turnip
    so that s v
    The three little pigs
    so that s v
    The wolf and the seven little goats
    so that s v
    King thrushbeard
    admit that s v
    The happy prince
    admit that s v
    I am an apple
    pas. 수동태
    I am fire
    pas. 수동태
    I am planet earth
    pas. 수동태
    Listening & Speaking
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    How We See Color
    Lesson 2
    Chinese Beliefs About Colors
    Lesson 3
    Healing with Color
    Lesson 4
    Dyeing Naturally
    Chapter 2
    Lesson 5
    A History of Salt
    Lesson 6
    Our Bodies and Salt
    Lesson 7
    Salar de Uyuni
    Lesson 8
    Salami and Kimchi
    Chapter 3
    Lesson 9
    How We Hear Sound
    Lesson 10
    Silent No More
    Lesson 11
    Listen to This!
    Lesson 12
    Echo and Narcissus
    Chapter 4
    Lesson 13
    The History of the Toilet
    Lesson 14
    A Toilet Museum
    Lesson 15
    The Journey of Wastewater
    Lesson 16
    Art from a Urinal
  • Step5. The History of Money 자세히보기
  • Step5. The History of Money
    1. Writing - 수동태 의문문 외
    2. Listening & Speaking
    : 전문적인 주제와 소재에 대해 배우면서 토론하는 과정을 통해 영어의 말하기 실력을 고급으로 향상시킵니다.
    I am snow
    pas. 수동태
    I am a rock
    int. pas. 의문문 / 수동태
    I am a leaf
    WH. int. past 의문사 / 의문문 / 과거
    A tiny family
    au. ne. 조동사 / 부정
    Busy bunnie's five senses
    int. pre. ne. 의문문 / 현재 / 부정
    A girl a goat and a goose
    past. ne. 과거 / 부정
    Eloise and the dinosaurs
    that clause&super. that절&최상급
    Eloise and the snowman
    when clause when절
    Eloise and the very secret room
    when clause when절
    Eloise at the wedding
    that clause that절
    Eloise breaks some eggs
    that clause&super. that절&최상급
    Eloise has a lesson
    that clause that절
    Eloise's new bonnet
    when clause when절
    Eloise's summer vacation
    when clause when절
    All by myself
    where clause
    Just go to bed
    where clause
    Listening & Speaking
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    The History of Money
    Lesson 2
    Banknote Designs
    Lesson 3
    How Banks Work
    Lesson 4
    Money Superstitions
    Chapter 2
    Lesson 5
    Our Body’s Largest Organ
    Lesson 6
    Common Myths About Acne
    Lesson 7
    Amazing Animal Skin
    Lesson 8
    The Fur Debate
    Chapter 3
    Lesson 9
    Traditional Costumes
    Lesson 10
    High-Tech Clothes
    Lesson 11
    Fast Fashion
    Lesson 12
    Coco Chanel
    Chapter 4
    South America
    Lesson 13
    A Land of Opposites
    Lesson 14
    Amazing Animals of the Amazon
    Lesson 15
    The Fall of the Inca Empire
    Lesson 16
    A Taste of South America
  • Step6. Insects Q&A 자세히보기
  • Step6. Insects Q&A
    1. Writing - where clause 외
    2. Listening & Speaking
    : 전문적인 주제와 소재에 대해 배우면서 토론하는 과정을 통해 영어의 말하기 실력을 고급으로 향상시킵니다.
    Just grandpa and me
    where clause
    Just me and my babysitter
    it to v
    Just me and my mom
    it to v
    Just me and my puppy
    it to v
    Just my friend and me
    where clause
    Just shopping with mom
    I think enough to v / too to v
    Me too
    I think enough to v / too to v
    Merry christmas mom and dad
    where clause
    Just me and my dad
    I think enough to v / too to v
    The new baby
    I think enough to v / too to v
    Fly Guy Vs. The Flyswatter
    pre. de. 현재 / 평서문
    Fly Guy_s Ninja Christmas
    pre. de. 현재 / 평서문
    Fly Guys Amazing Tricks
    pre. de. 현재 / 평서문
    Fly High, Fly Guy
    be good at
    Hooray for fly guy
    au. 조동사
    Ride Fly Guy, Ride !
    past. ne. 과거 / 부정
    Listening & Speaking
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    Insects Q & A
    Lesson 2
    Lesson 3
    The Butterfly Effect
    Lesson 4
    Eating Insects
    Chapter 2
    Lesson 5
    How Mountains Are Formed
    Lesson 6
    The Wall of Death
    Lesson 7
    Lesson 8
    Mountain Survival Skills
    Chapter 3
    Lesson 9
    How Electricity Is Made
    Lesson 10
    Eel Power!
    Lesson 11
    The Future of Driving
    Lesson 12
    Student Switch Off
    Chapter 4
    Lesson 13
    The History of Plastic
    Lesson 14
    Solutions to the Plastic Problem
    Lesson 15
    5 The Toy of the Century
    Lesson 16
    Benefits of Plastic
  • Step7. The History of Sugar 자세히보기
  • Step7. The History of Sugar
    1. Writing - 동명사 최상급 외
    2. Listening & Speaking
    : 전문적인 주제와 소재에 대해 배우면서 토론하는 과정을 통해 영어의 말하기 실력을 고급으로 향상시킵니다.
    There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Fly Guy !
    won't be ing
    There_s A Fly Guy In My Soup
    won't be ing
    Bake the cake
    gerund&super. 동명사 / 최상급
    Feed the fish
    gerund 동명사 / who
    Fly the plane
    gerund 동명사 / who
    Pick the pears
    gerund&com. 동명사 / 비교급
    Row the boat
    See the stars
    gerund&com. 동명사 / 비교급
    Take the train
    gerund 동명사 / who
    Toot the horn
    gerund 동명사 / who
    Happy birthday Winnie
    I wish I did / could
    Winnie at the seaside
    I wish I did / could
    Winnie flies again
    I wish I did / could
    Winnie in space
    I wish I did / could
    Winnie in winter
    It's hard to v without ~ing
    Winnie the witch
    It's hard to v without ~ing
    Listening & Speaking
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    The History of Sugar
    Lesson 2
    Candy Making
    Lesson 3
    Sugar Addiction
    Lesson 4
    Why Cats Can’t Taste Sweetness
    Chapter 2
    Benjamin Franklin
    Lesson 5
    Benjamin Franklin’s Life
    Lesson 6
    The Declaration of Independence
    Lesson 7
    The Lightning Rod
    Lesson 8
    Franklin’s Virtues
    Chapter 3
    Lesson 9
    Camera Obscura
    Lesson 10
    Red-eye Effect
    Lesson 11
    Ansel Adams’ Photography
    Lesson 12
    Photo Manipulation
    Chapter 4
    Lesson 13
    Different Kinds of Stars
    Lesson 14
    Van Gogh and Stars
    Lesson 15
    Lesson 16
    Constellation Legends: Capricorn
  • Step8. The History of Law 자세히보기
  • Step8. The History of Law
    1. Writing - It's hard to v without ~ing 외
    2. Listening & Speaking
    : 전문적인 주제와 소재에 대해 배우면서 토론하는 과정을 통해 영어의 말하기 실력을 고급으로 향상시킵니다.
    Winnie under the sea
    It's hard to v without ~ing
    Winnie's amazing pumpkin
    In spite of or despite
    Winnie's flying carpet
    In spite of or despite
    Winnie's magic wand
    In spite of or despite
    Winnie's midnight dragon
    how to v
    Winnie’s New Computer
    how to v
    A Tooth Story
    au. int. pre. ne. 조동사 / 의문문 / 현재 / 부정
    Fall leaf project
    Happy graduation
    The pumpkin patch
    First Grade Bunny
    com. 비교급
    Robin Dad Goes to School
    com. 비교급
    The Luck of the Irish
    com. 비교급
    Too Many Valentines
    com. 비교급
    Henry and Mudge and Annie's good move
    without ~ing
    Henry and Mudge and Annie's perfect pet
    without ~ing
    Listening & Speaking
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    The History of Law
    Lesson 2
    A Criminal Profiler
    Lesson 3
    Fingerprints in Criminal Investigations
    Lesson 4
    Art Theft
    Chapter 2
    Lesson 5
    The Effects of Green Tea
    Lesson 6
    Tea Cultures Around the World
    Lesson 7
    Coffee Cantata
    Lesson 8
    Inconvenient Truths About Beverages
    Chapter 3
    Lesson 9
    Ancient Glass
    Lesson 10
    Glasses in the Past, Present, and Future
    Lesson 11
    The Evolution of the Contact Lens
    Lesson 12
    Glass Harmonica
    Chapter 4
    Lesson 13
    Integration in American Baseball
    Lesson 14
    Cricket vs. Baseball
    Lesson 15
    The Baseball Cap
    Lesson 16
    The Science of a Home Run
  • Step9. Effects of Volcanoes 자세히보기
  • Step9. Effects of Volcanoes
    1. Writing - had better not 외
    2. Listening & Speaking
    : 전문적인 주제와 소재에 대해 배우면서 토론하는 과정을 통해 영어의 말하기 실력을 고급으로 향상시킵니다.
    Henry and Mudge and the big sleepover
    without ~ing
    Henry and Mudge in the family trees
    without ~ing
    Henry and Mudge and the bedtime thumps
    by ~ing
    Henry and Mudge and the forever sea
    by ~ing
    Henry and Mudge and the funny lunch
    by ~ing
    Henry and Mudge in the sparkle days
    by ~ing
    Froggy builds a tree house
    had better not
    Froggy's day with dad
    had better not
    Froggy's sleepover
    had better not
    A bargain for Frances
    be good at n
    Owl at home
    be good at n
    Frog and Toad together
    will be -ing
    The case of the scaredy cats
    will be -ing
    Days with Frog and Toad
    won't be -ing
    Harry's pony
    won't be -ing
    Grasshopper on the road
    be dying to v
    Listening & Speaking
    Chapter 1
    Lesson 1
    Effects of Volcanoes
    Lesson 2
    Volcanic Rocks
    Lesson 3
    The Giant’s Causeway
    Lesson 4
    The Story of Pele
    Chapter 2
    Lesson 5
    Bouncing and Bending Light
    Lesson 6
    Georges-Pierre Seurat
    Lesson 7
    Lesson 8
    Chapter 3
    Lesson 9
    Frightening Phobias
    Lesson 10
    The Science Behind Goosebumps
    Lesson 11
    Danse Macabre
    Lesson 12
    Chapter 4
    Lesson 13
    The Evolution of Language
    Lesson 14
    Cracking the Copiale Cipher
    Lesson 15
    Speak Differently, Think Differently
    Lesson 16
    Baseball Hand Signals
  • High Level 1 - Writing
  • High Level 2 - Writing
  • High Level 3 - Writing
  • High Level 4 - Writing
  • High Level 5 - Writing

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